Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Town Hall Visit

Can you believe I hadn't set a paw into the town hall until today?

What a magnificent building, if you haven't been then I suggest you go and have a look.

I was planning to put my paws up and retire after the election, but so many of my fans have been in touch and asked me to carry on.

So I have decided to stick around and carry on reporting from the local political scene. I also plan to pop in to every council meeting and let you know what happened.

You can see me outside the town hall modelling the new Dude the Dog T Shirt, available soon from all good retailers.

Off to the park now, it's such a lovely day.

Catch ya next time!

Lots of Doggie Love,


Anonymous said...

So glad you are sticking around. You're the funniest blog on the net! I know many a labour councillor enjoys your comments about The Bulldog.

Anonymous said...

Love the T shirt, can't wait to get one. I'm pleased you're carrying on, Dude The Dog makes my day every time I read it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Dude

what do you think about these



Dude the Dog said...

Personally I was hoping for Hillary to get it, but I am a big supporter of animals getting more politically active.

Anonymous said...

Can we on the Labour benches thank you for your blog and your decision to continue. It has been a very useful campaign tool for us, given that it helps us to see what you are planning and where, exposing your campaign tactics in plenty of time for us to counter them.

Keep up the good work.

And if you could manage some more scurrilous comments about Labour councillors that would be great because they will help to contribute to a potential defamation case.

You should talk to Councillor Keaveney, she understands what is appropriate and what leaves you wide open to be sued! I suggest you ask her to advise you.

Anonymous said...

Just got my T Shirt! It's absolutely fantastic and I shall wear it with pride as I walk around town.