Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Shameful BNP deal

It's become a familiar scene on Merseyside to see Labour and Tories unite to keep the Lib Dems out of power, but it seems that in some places they will go even further.

Last week Labour and the Tories tried to join up with the BNP in Burnley to force the Lib Dems out of power. The move failed because one decent Labour councillor refused to join them in bed with the BNP.

The make-up of Burnley Council is: Lib Dem: 22 (+1 vacancy) Labour: 11 Tory: 6 BNP: 4 So Labour and Tories would only have been able to form an administration with the support of the BNP!

I want it on the record that I don't think all Labour members are "bastards", and I'm sure that thousands of decent Labour members will feel thoroughly ashamed that this was done in their party's name.


Ethical Bill said...

Shame on all of them that voted for this, and I have great respect for the one that didn't - it must have been a courageous decision.

Real Scouseboy said...

Words can't describe how astonished and appalled I am at this

Anonymous said...

They are playing a very dangerous game

Jason said...

There are just some depths you don't sink to in politics under any circumstances. Doing shady back room deals with the BNP is one of them.

Anonymous said...

Presumably any time the Lib Dems and the BNP have voted the same way on an issue, that can be classed as "Lib Dems" cosying up the BNP then? Utter tosh.

Ethical Bill said...

Right so how come Labour haven't publicly defended themselves in Burnley? This isn't a story from a Lib Dem leaflet, it's the Lancashire Telegraph, you have the right of reply and have not used it. Labour's silence on this issue is deafening.