Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Making house calls

Ever since Sesame Street Bert banned council employees and members from visiting this site, I have been besieged with requests for an alternative way for you to pick up my little messages.

I am told I have regular readers amongst many councillors, senior officers, the "committee services" department and the press office. Many of whom are now deprived of my wit and wisdom.

So at last here are three solutions.

You can try using google reader, it's easy to set up an account if you haven't already got one. Then just click on to the "add a subscription" button at the top of the page and insert the code below:- http://dudethedog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

For the more technical among you, you can use that same code in any RSS feed program of your choice.

Finally, if the above is too complicated for you, drop me a line at dudethedog@playful.com and I can add you to my daily e-mail list, with my messages sent straight to your mailbox.

You can unsubscribe at any time by e-mailing me.

So never fear. If you can't get to Dude the Dog, Dude the Dog will come to you.

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