Saturday, January 10, 2009

Crime watch dog

Don't advertise your home to thieves!

That's the clear message the police keep trying to get across to people to help in the fight against crime, particularly in holiday seasons.

It's obviously not a message that got through to my blogging nemisis, the bulldog, who advertised on her blog that she was spending Christmas in Portugal.

She certainly has been a very silly girl. Considering takes just a few seconds to find her home address on the internet.

Amazingly, when one of her correspondents warned her of this, she didn't even have the sense to take the post down. Instead she claimed to have "friends" from Australia staying in her house over Christmas while she was off sunning herself!

She must think the burglars are daft! Even the Jack Russell next door wouldn't fall for that one.

P.S. I did my bit by not posting this until she got home. Perhaps she will try to show some more common sense next time.

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